Victoria Street improvements to take place throughout 2025

Major works to Victoria Street to commence in January 2025.


Major works to improve Victoria Street will commence in mid- January lasting 15 months, including new bus stops, cycle lanes and pedestrian crossings. 

The scheme will make walking, wheeling and cycling through the area safer and more appealing and will include:   



  • Installing a two-way segregated cycleway linking up with Bristol Bridge and Temple Gate 
  • Upgrading Victoria Street’s junction with Counterslip 
  • Improving and enlarging three bus stops 
  • Improving the public realm with planting and space for seating 
  • Adding crossing points that are at the same level as pavements  
  • Resurfacing the road and pavements  
  • Electric vehicle charging area for taxis 



It is acknowledged that some car parking spaces have been removed to create space for the above proposals, as a result Bristol City Council have produced this map identifying all the existing car parking spaces adjacent to Victoria Street.  

This £5 million scheme is part of a transport corridor project to improve the A37 and A4018 following the number 2 bus route. It is being funded by the UK Government as part of the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement, which is administered by the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority. 

The work is expected to take around 15 months and will be carried out in phases .

view phasing plan

Victoria Street footway level from the north (Bristol City Council)


Victoria Street will remain open for most of this time, although temporary traffic signals will be in use, so some delays are likely. Side streets leading onto Victoria Street may need to close at points throughout the works. Road resurfacing will take place overnight towards the end of the project in early 2026. 

Throughout the works you can take advantage of up to £100 of travel offers, including free bus, Park & Ride, and rail vouchers, and free bike loans, cycling training and much more. Individuals can find out more and register for travel offers on the TravelWest website and browse their support and offers for businesses

How Victoria Street could look (Bristol City Council)


If you have any further questions on Victoria Street, please contact Tom or get in touch with the council’s Transport Engagement Team




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