Past Event
Breakfast Meeting: Creating inclusive workplaces
Find out more about the equality gap which exists within Bristol and how businesses can help close this gap.
Past Event
Free Historic Walking Tour: Redcliffe and the Slave Trade
Join us for a free 45 minutes walking tour of Redcliffe and explore some of areas links with the transatlantic trade in slavery.
Past Event
City Centre Development and Delivery Plan – Business Webinar
This webinar is an opportunity to hear about the draft City Centre Development and Delivery Plan and ask any questions you may have.
Past Event
A magical trail of unicorns throughout Bristol in aid of Leukaemia Care.
Past Event
Sweet Mondays at Summer on the Quay 2023
Join us every Monday lunchtime between 31 July and 21 August to enjoy free sweet treats from local bakeries and cafes whilst enjoying our outside seating and games at Temple Quay.
Past Event
Drag Queen Unicorn Charity Pub Quiz
We’re excited to organise a one-off unicorn themed pub quiz celebrating Unicornfest and raising money for the charity Leukaemia Care.
Past Event
Historic Walking Tour: Bristol’s hidden unicorns
A free walking tour to explore the hidden unicorns across Bristol’s historic architecture.
Past Event
Networking for Office, Building and Facilities Managers
Join us at the stunning outdoor area of Veeno for our annual summer networking event for Office, Building or Facilities Managers.
Past Event
Unicornfest: Unicorn Reveal
Join us as we celebrate the arrival of our unicorn sculpture ahead of Unicornfest.
Past Event
Central Bristol Transport Update and Networking Breakfast
Hear more about the planned transport changes for Bristol city centre, whilst networking with peers over coffee and pastries.
Past Event
Historic Walking Tours
Join us for a free 45 minute walking tour to explore some of Bristol's most historic streets.
Past Event
City Nature Challenge
Want to help local wildlife this spring? Join this epic four-day challenge.