
Movement and Spend Insights

Monthly reporting available for levy payers from March 2022.


The BID has partnered with Movement Strategies to install a O2 movement sensor on Victoria Street. Combined with 3 other sensors across the city centre it will provide our levy payers with powerful data on visitor footfall, catchment areas and demographics.

Alongside our movement data, we will also have quarterly anonymised spend data from Visa. This will highlight spend within the BID postcodes including sales by sector and online vs bricks and mortar spend.

From March, a monthly report will be available for levy payers.


The following key insights have been identified for Q4 2021 against Q3 2021 for spend in postcodes BS1, BS2 and BS8:

  • Online sales mix reduced from 36% to 33%
  • Bricks and mortar sales mix grew from 35% to 38%
  • Sales growth was seen in most major product categories and sectors.

When compared to Q4 2020, we have identified the following insights.

  • Sales growth was seen in most categories, except supermarkets as expected
  • Online sales decreased from 44% in Q4 2020 to 33% in Q4 2021
  • Hotels, restaurants, clothing and general merchandise all bounced back strongly in Q4 compared to 2020.

Lastly, when comparing Q4 2021 to Q4 2019 total city centre sales increased by 1.8%, showing promising signs for the city’s economic recovery.

If any levy payers want to know more detail on movement and insights, please contact Steve.



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