Cleansing - Community

October Cleansing Report

October was another busy month for the Cleansing team, with thorough deep cleaning and graffiti removal taking place across the BID area.


BID Lead
Sabrina Shutter

In October the Cleansing team completed the deep clean of the busy Avon Street and Temple Way, which is the a major route and the longest street within the BID area.

In addition to this, the cleansing team continued working hard with their rounds throughout Redcliffe and Temple ensuring pavement areas, high contact locations, popular hot spots and levy payer premises were kept clean and inviting.

There was an increase in unwanted graffiti compared to last month within the BID area. Our brilliant team removed a total of 208 items of graffiti in 138 different locations this month. The team are working very hard to remove unwanted graffiti promptly and efficiently and you can help by reporting illegal graffiti to the police via their online reporting system.

Report Graffiti Here

Our cleansing operation is a free service to all levy payers, please get in touch if you need any support with a cleansing issue or want any unwanted graffiti removed.

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