
Omicron business support grants now available

Details on how to apply for Omicron business support grants.


Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant

The new Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant (OHLG) scheme intends to support businesses impacted by the COVID-19 Omicron variant.

This grant is available to businesses in the hospitality, leisure and accommodation sectors, such as pubs, hotels, restaurants, bars, cinemas and theatres occupying ratepaying premises on 30 December 2021.

Grants will be a one-off payment, dependent on the rateable value of your business on 30 December 2021, subject to being within the relevant subsidy (formerly known as State Aid) threshold for the business.

Rateable value of your premises            Grant payment

  • Up to £15,000                                       £2,667
  • £15,001 – £50,999                               £4,000
  • £51,000 and above                              £6,000

Applications received will be assessed against the eligibility criteria. Businesses that are in administration, insolvent or in receipt of a striking-off notice are not eligible for funding under this scheme.

Once bank and audit checks are complete, we will process payments. This will be from 1 February 2022.

Please allow four weeks from application to receiving payment, before getting back in touch with us.

Applications close at midday, 12pm on 14 February 2022.


Discretionary Support Grant

Businesses who have been severely impacted by restrictions or the rise of the Omicron variant may be eligible for a discretionary support grant.

The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) is a discretionary grant available to self-employed and sole traders as well as small or micro businesses across all sectors.

All businesses must apply for support under this scheme: previous recipients of ARG must re-apply.

The ARG is open to businesses based in the Bristol City Council area, trading on 4 January 2022 with ongoing fixed business-related costs.

To apply, businesses must have identification and documentation as evidence of trading and able to demonstrate you have suffered a significant fall in income (including online activity) due to the restrictions or the rise in the Omicron variant.

Applications close at midday, 12pm on 14 February 2022.

Applications received will be assessed against the eligibility criteria and a one-off payment will be awarded dependent on the size of the business or the rateable value of the business premises.

Please share this information with anyone you think might be eligible.

Funding is limited and there’s no guarantee that every business that meets the eligibility criteria of this scheme will receive a grant.

Awards and payments will only be made when all applications have been assessed. Please apply early, giving accurate information and supporting evidence as this will assist with prompt payment. We cannot accept late applications.


Bristol-based business COVID webinar

Bristol City Council are holding a free webinar on Wednesday 26 January from 3.30pm to 4.30pm for all Bristol-based businesses.

The session will be an opportunity to discuss the latest Omicron grant support available with council officers.

If you have an issue or question you would like to raise, please email in advance so we can provide as much relevant information as possible.

Register for the Bristol-based business Omicron grant support webinar on Eventbrite now.



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