Redcliffe & Temple BID Propose Changes to green spaces on Portwall Lane

We are excited to share our proposed enhancements to two green spaces on Portwall Lane


Portwall Gardens

Following engagement with stakeholders as part of our Green Infrastructure Action Plan we are pleased to be proposing changes to two green spaces on Portwall Lane to create additional spaces for people to rest and enjoy. In Autumn 2023 we applied for Community Infrastructure Levy funding to add an additional entrance to Portwall Gardens on Portwall Lane and add much needed seating to this green space. This proposal was supported by drawings kindly provided pro-bono by local business Ridge and Partners. The drawings are available here.

An artist’s impression of Portwall Gardens.


The project was successfully awarded £15,000 CIL funding in February 2024 to be matched by an investment of £45,000 from the BID. We are awaiting news from Bristol City Council Parks Department as to when this work can commence. We hope the work will conclude by Summer 2025 to provide local workers and residents with space to enjoy.

This project and accompanying drawings also follow images produced by Barton Wilmore (now Stantec) in 2022, demonstrating that this project has consistently been of interest to the BID and stakeholders throughout the BID term.

Our proposals also include a longer term ambition to open up the park from the Eastern end, creating a larger green space and an improved asset for the local community.

Freshford Lane

In Summer 2024 we commissioned Ridge and Partners to undertake engagement and produce drawings to give a sense of the opportunities available to improve the green space off Freshford Lane. This green space has been neglected since the commencement of the BID term and we are pleased to be able to use these drawings to increase the awareness of the opportunity to do something positive with this space.

We hope that these proposals can be incorporated into the transport changes proposed for Redcliffe Way and provide an asset for local workers, residents and visitors on this key pedestrian route.

An artist’s impression of Freshford Lane.


Proposed site plan. Ridge and Partners


Tom Swithinbank, Senior Project Manager for Redcliffe & Temple BID, said:

“I’m pleased to be publishing these images which demonstrate the desire of the local community to see improvements to these green spaces in Redcliffe as part of Green Infrastructure Action Plan. Even though these spaces are small they could play a key role in our ambition for Redcliffe and Temple and the wider city centre to provide a first-class provision of spaces to rest, socialise and enjoy. I’m grateful to Devon and Charlie at Ridge for their hard work on this to get our ideas down on paper. The next challenge is to bring them to reality and we’ll be working with Bristol City Council to explore the next steps.”

Devon McCrea, Senior Architect at Ridge and Partners, said:

“We’re pleased to be supporting the BID’s work to improve green spaces in the city and it’s been really enjoyable to work on something so close to home, with our office located just 10 minutes away on Cheese Lane, The BID’s Green Infrastructure Action Plan is a document which aligns so well with our vision as a business and the way our staff view the city, with an ambition for a greener, more climate-friendly and sociable city. We look forward to the next steps of these projects and are keen to offer our support to other local communities around the city.”


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