
The Beauty of Caring: Supporting Bristol initiative to empower and uplift through self-care

We are proud to support The Beauty of Caring to deliver free monthly workshops at Redcliffe Hub.


Redcliffe & Temple BID is delighted to support The Beauty of Caring CIC through our safe and caring community fund. Our funding allows the initiative to host free workshops for women at Redcliffe Hub every month for the next year and contributes to our work to build a safe and caring community.

The Beauty of Caring is a social enterprise that develops socio-aesthetic programmes for vulnerable people in the community. Thanks to our funding, we are supporting The Beauty of Caring to deliver monthly workshops for vulnerable women in the community. With topics from hair and nail care to stress management, the sessions provide a supportive space for attendees to develop new self-care routines that can be easily implemented at home. 


Supporting The Beauty of Caring allows us to champion the local initiative and help spread the word to the local community. We encourage members of our business community to share these workshops with their partners and relevant contacts.

Find out more about The Beauty of Caring on their website and browse all upcoming sessions on their Eventbrite page.



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CommunityPress Releases

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