
Stunning winter lights illuminate key Redcliffe and Temple pedestrian walkways

Victoria Street and Temple Gardens set to twinkle this autumn and winter.


Two stunning winter tree lighting installations will be switched on this October, illuminating key pedestrian areas within the city. We have added to our winter tree light project with new lights installed in Temple Gardens and the return of last year’s popular tree lighting along Victoria Street.

With the ambition of adding vibrancy and enhancing time spent in the city, the tree lighting will give autumn and winter late afternoons and evenings a warm glow for city centre commuters, visitors and residents as they move through these key routes in the city.

Victoria Street’s tree lights were first installed in December 2021 and saw the prominent line of nine trees illuminated across the winter period, lighting the way for people as they travelled in and out of the city. As a main pedestrian route, a key motive in lighting the walkway was to instill a feeling of safety during the darker evenings.

Following positive feedback, we have developed the project further by adding new tree lighting to Temple Gardens for 2022. Fifteen trees within this iconic and busy green space have had new lighting installed to make the post-work commute and evening walk through the gardens a more enjoyable experience for the community.

Both winter tree light installations will be switched on from 4pm to midnight each night from early October to end of March and will be a permanent fixture, using low energy LED lights, for years to come.

The original project on Victoria Street was supported by the Welcome Back Fund from the European Union Regional Development Fund, HM Government and Bristol City Council.

Steve Bluff, Head of Redcliffe & Temple BID

Since the lights on Victoria Street were first installed we’ve received positive feedback from businesses and the wider community, highlighting how they have changed the look and feel of the street. We have been looking for opportunities where adding some extra light will make a real difference to the area and the lighting in Temple Gardens will do just that. There are plans to extend this project into new areas in the future so watch this space.

Our Sustainability Commitment

We identified six SDGs which we will focus on during this BID term. 
This project primarily supports SDG11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities



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