Climate Action Programme Case Study – Osborne Clarke
Osborne Clarke share how it is working towards its 2040 Science Based Net Zero Target in this case study.
Celebrating climate action from Bristol businesses
Delivered as part of our collaboration with Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership.
Climate Action Business Insights in Redcliffe and Temple
Hear from Climate Action Programme Engagement Officer, Bex Shreeve as she reflects on how we can help businesses accelerate climate action.
Promoting Sustainable Lunch Habits: Join the ‘Bring Your Own Lunchbox’ Movement
BID aims for a surge in use of reusable lunchboxes to celebrate World Refill Day, 16 June.
Join the Reusable Revolution: Redcliffe & Temple BID Support City to Sea’s Refill Return Cup Initiative
Groundbreaking Refill Return Cup project launching on World Refill Day, June 16.
The Climate Action Programme launches in Redcliffe and Temple
Find out about our collaboration with Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership which aims to position Redcliffe and Temple at the heart of their Climate Action Programme.
Redcliffe and Temple: a new hub for zero carbon business practice
We are excited to announce our new partnership with Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership’s Climate Action Programme.
Future Cities Series Launch
Hear from Project Manager Tom Swithinbank how greening and the public realm will be key to enabling a healthy Bristol for years to come.
Win great prizes for riding your bike during Cycle September!
Ride your bike for a chance to win one of four £50 Love Bristol Gift Cards PLUS lots more amazing prizes by taking part in Cycle September!
Public Realm Working Group
Our first working group meeting, Tuesday 19 July 2022.
Bristol Heat Network Insights & Net Zero Ambitions
Sustainability networking event.